Joseph Donnantuoni

Contact Joseph Donnantuoni about your federal retirement benefit questions or request your own Asset link to query 24/7 simply call --
951 378 5670 or complete the contact page!

Federal Retirement Consultant Logo
FRCsm , Inc. has ownership of the FRCsm logo, and the FRCsm and Federal Retirement Consultant sm symbols within the United States, which it grants to those individuals who successfully complete and maintain certification.
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COVID-19 Help

We have all seen how Covid-19 is not entirely over and sometimes crops up without notice.  Joseph has posted here a more natural immune

shake ( Hyperion Egg shake which were chickens injected with human antibodies) and it increases the body’s T Cells by 300% in 24 hours.  It has 150 patents on the product.  If you want to get extra general protection when you are sent out to travel on your jobs you can use this!

I26 Hyperimmune Egg Powder - 31 Day Supply - Canister

This I26 shake has 150 patents and it increases your body’s T cells by 300% in 24 hours. The “immune response” is key. I26 is used and recommended by the World Champion bicycle racer and USA champion racer who represented the USPS: Dr. Glen Winkel.