Joseph Donnantuoni

Contact Joseph Donnantuoni about your federal retirement benefit questions or request your own Asset link to query 24/7 simply call --
951 378 5670 or complete the contact page!

Federal Retirement Consultant Logo
FRCsm , Inc. has ownership of the FRCsm logo, and the FRCsm and Federal Retirement Consultant sm symbols within the United States, which it grants to those individuals who successfully complete and maintain certification.

Questions & Contact


  1. In the last 12 months, have you gotten your FERS/CSRS annuity payout expected amount calculated for you based on your intended retire date?
  2. Do you understand the changes for Health Insurance choice at age 65 and older and what your options are starting January 2025 and how to select them (Postal Health and MA PD choice to pause)?
  3. Do you know how your contributions to TSP only match to not include your ROTH?
  4. Do you know how to maximize your social security income ( FERS)?  Are you 62 or older with custody of a well minor?
  5. Do you know why there are better months to retire on and dates?
  6. Do you have all of your beneficiaries updated for FERS, TSP, and FEGLI?
  7. Did you know that you can get all of your contributions to FERS (pension) back if you separate service?
  8. Did you know your unused Sick Time, doesn’t “roll into your pension” and there is a fractional calculation involved?
  9. Did you know that when you don’t choose at least 1 survivor annuity benefit when you separate service in FERS in retirement that when you pass away that your spouse cannot access any health coverage from the Federal government?
  10. Do you want help to know how the court is tied into your FERS pension with a QDRO order from an Ex Spouse? How to calculate it in advance? And about your TSP with this?


Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
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